20 November 2011

I think it is time for a warm up

So colder weather is here and Thanksgiving is right around the corner.  I have a recipe that will warm you up, and help ease the stress of the holidays at the same time!!

All you need is:

  • 1 cup of hot apple cider (you can get the fresh stuff and warm it up yourself or even mull it, but I just keep the dried packets on hand in my pantry... you never know when you may want it)
  • 1 jigger of whiskey (Yukon Jack is really the way to go here because the honey in it makes a sweeter flavor than lets say a Jack Daniels) 
  • 1 cinnamon stick 
Combine all the ingredients, use the cinnamon stick to swizzle, and enjoy!  

PS- thank you blog readers for requiring me to make one for myself... yummy...
PPS- isn't my mug that is painted to look as though ants are crawling up and in so adorable?!